Amy Lynn Kukler was name Nursing Home Employee of the Year
Pictured L to R: County Administrator Julie Libby, Commissioner Linda Lauer, Commissioner Martha Richards, Commissioner George Maglaras, Amy Lynn Kukler and Commissioner Michael Cryans


Dustin Taylor was name County Employee of the Year
Pictured L to R: County Administrator Julie Libby, Commissioner Linda Lauer, Commissioner Martha Richards, Commissioner George Maglaras Commissioner Michael Cryans, Dustin Taylor and Maintenance Superintendent Jim Oakes


Michael Cryans was named County Commissioner of the Year
Pictured L to R: County Administrator Julie Libby, Commissioner Linda Lauer, Commissioner Michael Cryans and Commissioner George Maglaras


Paul Fitzgerald was named County Attorney of the Year
Pictured L to R: County Attorney Lara Saffo, Paul Fitzgerald, Commissioner George Maglaras from Strafford County, Commissioner Linda Lauer