Mission Statement
The mission of the Grafton County Adult Diversion Program is to hold an eligible offender accountable while providing the resources, skills, and education to reduce the risk of committing crimes in the future.
The program is an alternative to prosecution and offers a defendant a chance to avoid a criminal conviction and other punitive sanctions including fines, probation and incarceration.
What is Diversion?
The Grafton County Adult Diversion Program is a voluntary program for certain individuals charged with criminal offenses, whether it be Misdemeanor or Felony offenses. The individual who successfully completes the program may avoid prosecution and conviction of their charge.
Diversion is generally intended for non-violent offenders with little or no prior involvement in the criminal justice system that would benefit from a Case Management style of supervision to address substance abuse, mental health and other issues contributing to involvement in criminal activity.
Individuals are referred to the Adult Diversion Program by the Office of the County Attorney. Once a referral is made, the potential client must go through a thorough assessment process prior to being accepted to the program. If accepted into the program a contract will be developed that will list the specific requirements and obligation of each client. The client must agree to comply with all terms of the contract.
How Does Diversion Work?
Once a referral is made and a potential client is evaluated and determined to be acceptable to the program, the client, his/her attorney and the Grafton County Attorney’s Office is notified of the acceptance.
With the benefit of information concerning the offense and the assessments which were performed prior to acceptance, the Case Manager creates a personalized contract outlining the appropriate diversion plan for the client.
The client will review this contract and participation agreement with his/her attorney.
Once a client is accepted, the State agrees to dismiss the pending felony charges. It is understood that if the defendant does not successfully complete the Adult Diversion Program those charges will be reactivated.
This understanding requires the client to agree to waiver certain rights and protections associated with those charges. Specifically, the client waives his/her right to speedy indictment and trial during the diversionary period. The client also waives his/her protection against double jeopardy if one or more of the charges are resolved outside of the Adult Diversion Program. The client also stipulates to the facts underlying the offense which can be used against him/her at trial.
Program Expectations
The client will be truthful in all requests for information.
The client will attend all scheduled appointments, classes and meetings.
The client will remain arrest free and will report any contact to the Diversion staff.
The client will not engage in any illegal activity.
The client will advise their case manager of any changes in phone numbers, residence, employment and/or schooling.
Mandatory Program Components
Community Service – 100 Hours
Community Service – 50 Hours
Life Skills Classes – 5-10
Life Skills Classes – 5
Case Management Contact – Weekly
Case Management Contact – Weekly
Drug Testing – Randomly
Drug Testing – Randomly
Progress Reviews – Monthly
Progress Reviews – Monthly | |
Employment – Find/Maintain
Employment – Find/Maintain
Discretionary Program Components
Substance Abuse Education
Substance Abuse Treatment
Mental Health Treatment
Prime for Life Education
Shoplifter’s Course
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
Moral Reconation Therapy (MRT)
Program Fees
Program Fees – $600
Program Fees – $300
Dirty/Diluted Urinalysis – $25
Dirty/Diluted Urinalysis – $25
Missed Appointments – $15
Missed Appointments – $15
Shoplifting Course – $100
Shoplifting Course – $100
Additional Courses – $60/per
Additional Courses – $60/per | |
MRT Book – $35
MRT Book – $35
Request for Records
Should present or past clients need to obtain their files from Grafton County Alternative Sentencing a formal request shall be made by completing the Record Request form. Once this form is received clinical staff will have up to 30 business days to complete the clinical review and provide material requested.
For questions about the program, or to learn how to get involved, please contact:
Grafton County Adult Diversion
3801 Dartmouth College Highway, North Haverhill, NH 03774
Phone: 603-787-2042
E-mail: as@co.grafton.nh.us