Grafton County Intimate Partner Domestic Violence Program
What is Grafton County Intimate Partner Domestic Violence Program (GCIPDVP)
Grafton County Intimate Partner Domestic Violence Program (GCIPDVP) is a domestic violence education program to eliminate violence and related abusive behavior while holding batterer’s accountable and keeping victims safe from future violence. The program is run under the NH State Guidelines for Batterer’s Intervention and offered by Clinical staff trained in the Emerge Model.
How Long in the GCIPDVP?
40 Weeks
What is the cost of the program?
$100 for the assessment
$25 per session (1 session per week)
What is offered?
Services offered within this program are;
- Intimate Partner Domestic Violence Programming Assessment
- Victim Communication and Supports/Referrals
- Monthly Court Compliance Reports
- Monthly Probation Reports
- Substance Abuse Evaluations
- Mental Health Evaluations
Referral Process
Referrals for these programs come from a number of different sources, including; Probation & Parole, attorneys, court orders and self-referrals.
Individuals who wish to refer someone to this program should complete attached referral form. If the individual is court ordered, please include a copy of the order. Referrals can be sent to
Once referrals are received this office will contact the individual within 24 business hours to schedule an intake. This office will inform referral source immediately of ability to participate or not. Once contracts are signed copies will be given to the referral source as well as monthly updates.